Path: quack!!!!imci4!!!newsmaster From: <> Newsgroups: Subject: Theory of Operation:Atari Color VG - Jess Askey Date: 5 Apr 1996 17:53:46 GMT Organization: CompuServe Incorporated Lines: 162 Message-ID: <4k3mna$> NNTP-Posting-Host: Content-Type: text/plain Keywords: Theory of OPeration:Atari Color VG - Jess Askey Content-length: 6505 X-Newsreader: AIR Mosaic (16-bit) version Theory of operation for Atari Color Vector Generator 1981-1985 This is a posting on my Atari Vector Page at Last Modified on 3/14/96 The Atari vector generator is a state machine run that runs independently of the 6502 processor. The state machine has its own instruction set as well. Most of these instructions are two bytes long while one is four. The VG can do many tasks with its time. It can: HALT itself and tell the 6502 that it is done, Move the beam to the CENTER of the screen, Load SCALE info to the binary and linear scaling registers, Load STATS to the stat registers, JMP to a new memory location, JSR to a new location saving the old address on the stack, RTS from a Subroutine by pulling an address off of the stack, and two DRAW commands; SDRAW(short vector) and LDRAW (long vector). This information is for Tempest, other games all vary in minor way but have the same general priciple. The Vector Generator addresses its instructions in a peculiar way. Not in order as most processors. The first address of any instruction is on the odd byte and then back to the even byte. Therefore it is always addressing odd to even. Example: Data Listing: $4000 00 $4001 45 $4002 25 $4003 40 $4004 ......... The order of execution is : 4001,4000,4003,4002,4005,4004....... This is important so keep it in mind when your looking at a vector generator listing!!!!! The format for the instructions are: OOOYYYYY Word 1 ZZZXXXXX Word 2 Where OOO is the opcode, ZZZ is the relative intensity, YYYYYY and XXXXX are data. SDRAW: opcode 010, 2 bytes Format: OOOYyyyy ZZZXxxxx The DRAW opcode(010) will be discussed first. yyyy is the lenght in the y direction, and xxxx is the lenght in the x direction. Any vector drawn is from the previous location of the vector. The most significant digit of the lenghts is the sign bit. Zero is positive and One is negative, for negative vectors the lenght is the one's complement of yyyy or xxxx. Here are some examples: This following procedure draws a capital letter T Hex string: 20 4C 2C 40 1A 40 20 54 Order of Execution: 4C OPC=010 YYYYY=0C 20 ZZZ=000 XXXXX=00 Beam off 40 OPC=010 YYYYY=00 2C ZZZ=001 XXXXX=0C Beam on 40 OPC=010 YYYYY=00 1A ZZZ=000 XXXXX=1A (-6) 54 OPC=010 YYYYY=14 (-12) 20 ZZZ=001 XXXXX=00 Hopefully that clears things up a bit on the drawing of the vectors. The LDRAW command is the same with the addition of two more data bytes. Its format is as follows: LDRAW: opcode 000, 4 bytes OOOYYYYY Word 1 YYYYYYYY Word 2 ZZZXXXXX Word 3 XXXXXXXX Word 4 The added bits of data allow the vectors that are drawn with this command to be very long or very precise( if they are scaled down ). NOTE: on the LDRAW command a vectors actual lenght is the YYYYYYYYYYYYY lenght divided by two!!! The Remaining instructions follow: HALT: opcode=001, bytes 2 001***** Word 1 ******** Word 2 *don't care SCALE: opcode 0111, bytes 2 011,1,*BBB Word 1 LLLLLLLL Word 2 Where: BBB is the Binary Scaling factor. Default=001 LLLLLLLL is the Linear Scaling Factor STAT: opcode 0110, bytes 2 011,1,0*** Word 1 ZZZZ**** Word 2 Where: ZZZZ is an alternate intensity for the vector 011,1,1*** Word 1 ****CCCC Word 2 Where: CCCC is a color number. CENTER: opcode=100 , bytes 2 100***** Word 1 ******** Word 2 JSR: opcode=101, bytes 2 101AAAAA Word 1 AAAAAAAA Word 2 Jump Sub A RTS: opcode=110, bytes 2 110***** Word 1 ******** Word 2 JUMP: opcode=111, bytes 2 111AAAAA Word 1 AAAAAAAA Word 2 JUMP A As with the old VG, the newer one is also dual ported. This means that the 6502 and the VG can access the VG RAM/ROM at at the same time. The addresses are identical which is different from the old system but more convenient. The reason for this is because on the JUMP and JSR instructions the 13 bit of data are left shifted one position and a 1 is brought in, giving you the effective address. EXAMPLE: F8 OPC=111 AAAAA=18 58 AAAAAAAA=58 A=1858 Left shift 1858 and bring in a 1 to the low bit 1858<1 = 40B1 Effective Address Alpha/numerics Coding: I know that this is the format for Major Havoc, but I haven't checked the validity on any other games yet. I assume that they are all the same though! First a little background. The Alpha/Numerics are stored in a lookup table in the vector roms. The table contains calls to the appropriate drawing subroutine which is a two byte instruction (JSR instruction). The order of the table and it's contents are shown during the crosshatch/alpha/numerics screen of the self test, so you can see for yourself. [Space]=00 0=02 1=04 2=06 ect.... after 9 is A and after Z are various puctuations marks(these don't exist in older games. If the letter is the last in its string the high order byte of it's code is set to one making the code negative, this way the game doesn't need any lenghth data for each string. EXAMPLE: 00 02 04 86 Prints-> 012 Notice the code for "2" is now 86 Thats all for now, new info soon!!!